Well, it's all done! Almost…(although I'm pretty sure it will never be completely finished). Thanks to multiple cups of coffee, a little help and many sleepless nights, Ryder's room finally has all of the finished pieces to his new "big boy room." The style? Native monochrome with a touch of love and memories. To give a little background as to the thought process behind it all… Ryder is ALWAYS talking about "forts" and we had destroyed my living room one too many times before I thought "why don't I just build a permanent one in his room!" So, I started thinking about ways he could sleep in a fort without making his room look like Bed Bath and Beyond sheets just threw up on it and it hit me- TEEPEE IT IS! I searched and searched to find the best fit for Ryder and I must say, this thing is AMAZING!! The teepee is from Little Juniper TeePees (@LJteepees on Instragram). From the sturdy poles & ties to the material, this was more than worth the cost ($130 on their Etsy store! plus shipping). The dream catcher was from Amazon retailer CaughtDreams (they're on Facebook too if you want to see different colors/styles). This is one of the nicest, inexpensive dream catchers I have seen in a long time. I also wanted to add some sentimental pieces into the room, so I designed the framed artwork hung below the arrow. The one on the left says "More than all the stars in the sky." This is what Ryder and I always say to each other and is now tattooed on my arm as well! The two triangles hold Ryder's first pair of Jordan's and his first pair of Ray Bans (a Christmas present from our awesome cousins). The "RYDER" letters were painted by my closest friend and my siblings during my pregnancy with Rydeordie. Those letters probably mean the most out of everything in his room and have become a symbol of the love my friends and family have for Ryder (and for me too!). The wooden bed frame was actually handmade and designed with a little, OK a LOT of help from my handy boyfriend. We wanted to build a frame that would allow the teepee to fit over the bed so, we bought the wood from Home Depot, sanded it and painted the brackets black. This thing is awesome (thanks Nic!). The wooden stump "side table" next to the teepee was given to us from my neighbor. We sanded it then spray-painted it in a silver metallic color. I found the arrow at Kohl's and painted it matte black (it was red before). It lights up and has an automatic timer so it doubles as a great nightlight for Ryder too! The frames were purchased from HomeGoods and I designed the artwork in Photoshop. The plant and latern (which we plan to hang next to the teepee eventually) were both found at HomeGoods and the "Live the Life You Love" is from Kohl's. I'm proud of Ryder's room, the work that went into it and the love and time my family and friends have given to making this adorable monochromatic native bedroom possible.
What do you think?
As we were on our knees praying this evening, I was humbly reminded of the precious innocence of a little child of God.
As Ryder repeated my prayer word for word, I again realized that everything I do, everything I say, everything that I am..is who I am teaching my little one to be. It's so easy to sit there sometimes and say "yeah I know that!" but how many times do we catch ourselves doing or saying the wrong thing, acting the wrong way, eating bad things (I LOVE chocolate, like so much). Earlier in the evening, Ryder was messing around with our puppy, Bailey Bear, (see some of Ryder's February posts for her blog debut) and threw a candle holder in her direction. It missed her by an inch and hit the glass table, shattering into tiny little pieces and seeping down into the rug (I walked around barefoot after just in case *thumbs up*). My first reaction was to say something out of anger like: "how many times did I tell you NOT to play with those? How many times do I have to tell you NOT to throw things at Bailey?" My blood was boiling and I turned and stared at Ryder as soon as it happened. When I locked eyes with him..the mere look in his eyes regretfully showed me that he already KNEW he had done something very wrong. He knew he messed up and quickly started picking up the pieces saying in a somber voice, "I'm sorry mommy, I'm sorry." With those words, all of my anger was washed away into pity. How can I condemn him when we all make mistakes? ...But man it was hard. I'm FAR from perfect (no shit) and there are plenty of times when I lose my cool. Like those nights of getting restless sleep and then your child comes in to wake you up at 4:30am just because..'they're hungry, no never mind they want to watch Mickey, but wait, no they're tired and they want to lay on the couch but need covers so you cover them with a throw, then "WHERE ARE MY COVERS??" (right at your feet..they just fell off) just kidding they want to dance and "why can't I just have ONE lollipop before school?! mom! where are you?" (I'm hiding under the covers)' and you have to work the next day! Those nights…those are my favorite. I'm joking, those are miserable, let's be real here- but we all go through it and somehow we get passed it, because without the hard times we wouldn't appreciate the good times- right? So, I sent him to his room to think about what he had done and not even 10 minutes later he comes out and apologizes again for the unfortunate circumstance that had occurred Ah ha! My quiet, "mom look" worked! (Feel free to use this one anytime!) Maybe it won't work EVERY time, but it worked tonight so to go along with my blog post, I'm going to say I #nailedit and I'm proud. In all seriousness, I guess my thoughts revert back to patience…and how we need to try our BEST to be of the utmost POSITIVE influence on our children, because they hold the future in their tiny little hands…and the future is a scary place; so let's help them build strong protective armor against the evil, devilish, ungodly ways; and let's be honest, there is A LOT of the aforementioned going around these days. Did I mention that your child doesn't have to be the 4 year old kneeling next to you praying? No no no- your children never become "not your children…" I am still a child and YOU are still a child and we all need our parents (Jesus included) to protect us, watch over us, care for us, give us some damn good advice and make sure we stay on the path of righteousness. It's difficult at times, but what other choice do we have?! Can I get an AMEN?? ..anddddd with that can we get some sleep now? Goodnight friends. P.S.- They are watching you! XO, Ryder's Mommy We all already know the importance of kids getting enough fruit and vegetables into their daily diet. However, finding a way to get little ones to eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables every day can be tough - extremely tough if the SIGHT of those fruits or vegetables has your child running for the hills! When Ryder was a baby, he ate fruits and vegetables like it was his job. Healthy and chunky- he has always been a good eater. That is, until he hit 3. "No" and "I don't like (yike) it!" were common household words and I'm pretty sure the dog ate his veggies a few times (or more). One day I was working out at the gym and started craving a smoothie-I went down to the Cafe to order one- and that's when it hit me. I'll just make him DRINK his vegetables! Now, side note, I don't make smoothies every night…there are more nights than not that he is "forced" to eat his peas, carrots or broccoli (I'm such a mean mom!), but occasionally I will "treat" him to a smoothie with his dinner and BOY does he down it. Two of my (and Ryder's) favorite vegetable smoothie recipes are down below. If you have some of the same struggles as I do with getting your kids to eat their fruits or veggies, try one of my smoothies below and let me know if your kiddo enjoys it! The Green Monster: -1 cup milk -2 cups spinach leaves -1 whole banana (cut up) -2 tablespoons peanut butter -1/2 cup vanilla greek yogurt -3-4 pieces of ice It's all Pea-chy: -1/4 cup peas - 1/4 cup orange juice -6 oz. organic peach whole fruit yogurt -2 cups mango (substitute for peaches or really any other fruit) -2-3 pieces of ice Let's be honest, adults. There are days when you don't eat all of your vegetables or fruit servings either. So make it fun for the whole family- find a healthy alternative to eating right for everyone! If your kids see YOU doing it, they will probably want to do it too. Here's a video of Ryder drinking his smoothie before school- "the Monster mash!" …sidenote: *fake cough* :) I have to rave for a moment about Avocados. Funny thing is I HATED them growing up…but as I got older, I finally started to appreciate the fine taste of the soft, green super food that has so many vitamins and minerals in it; over 20 to be exact, including potassium (helps to control blood pressure), lutein (which is good for your eyes), and folate (beneficial for cell repair and during pregnancy). They are also a good source of B vitamins, which help fight off disease and infection, as well as vitamins C and E, plus natural plant chemicals that may help prevent cancer. This delicious super food is also low in sugar and high in the GOOD fat, that helps lower bad cholesterol. YAY for being healthy! Thank you Avocados..for yummy Whole Foods guacamole (my favorite), delicious salads and smoothies and for [drum roll please!] my all time favorite eye cream- Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado. Ah, this refreshing eye cream with avocado oil soothes and hydrates under your eyes, and if you're anything like me and suffer from dark circles and puffiness, this is for you! This stuff will not seep into your eyes and leaves them feeling cool and fresh. The green pigment also helps to alleviate the reds and purples under your eyes, leaving a nice toned and balanced look and feel. How to use: Apply by tapping the moisturizer with your fingertips delicately around your eye area without pulling the skin. Use in the mornings and at night for ultimate effect. I also refrigerate mine- it goes right next to the butter at the top of my fridge! This gives an extra cooling and refreshing sensation! The cost is worth it. A .5 ounce container is $28.50 at Nordstrom, and lasts a long time!
We're all wearing our green today, and I certainly will be wearing mine…#kiehls Let me know how YOU like it! |
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